
jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015

Lista de verbos básicos inglés español

to ask: preguntar
to be: ser o estar
to begin: comenzar
to bite: morder
to break: romper
to buy: comprar
to call: llamar
to catch: agarrar, atrapar
to clap: aplaudir
to clean: limpiar
to close: cerrar
to come: venir
to cook: cocinar
to cry: llorar
to cut: cortar

to dance: bailar
to do: hacer
to draw: dibujar
to dream: soñar
to drink: beber
to drive: conducir
to eat: comer
to find: encontrar
to finish: terminar
to fly: volar
to get: conseguir
to give: dar
to go: ir
to have: tener
to hear: oír
to hit: golpear
to jump: saltar
to know: saber
to laugh: reír
to learn: aprender
to leave: irse, salir
to like: gustar
to listen: escuchar
to live: vivir
to look: mirar
to lose: perder
to love: amar

to make: hacer (de fabricar)
to meet: encontrarse
to miss: extrañar
to mix: mezclar
to open: abrir
to pay: pagar
to play: jugar
to put: poner
to rain: llover
to read: leer
to run: correr

to say: decir
to see: ver
to sell: vender
to send: enviar
to shout: gritar
to show: mostrar
to sign: firmar
to sing: cantar
to sit: sentarse
to sleep: dormir
to speak: hablar
to spell: deletrear
to spend: gastar
to stand: ponerse de pie
to start: comenzar
to stop: parar
to study: estudiar
to swim: nadar

to take: coger
to talk: hablar
to teach: enseñar
to tell: decir, contar
to think: pensar
to translate: traducir
to travel: viajar
to try: intentar
to turn off: apagar
to turn on: encender

to understand: entender
to use: usar
to wait: esperar
to wake up: despertar
to walk: andar
to want: querer
to wash: limpiar
to watch: ver, mirar
to work: trabajar
to worry: preocuparse
to write: escribir

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